
Active Ingredient

Propamocarb hydrochloride 722 g/l SL (W/W)


Soluble concentrate (SL)


A protective systemic fungicide – absorbed by the roots and leaves. It can be mixed with most fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. It is recommended to conduct a mini- experiment one day before applying the mixture. It is used to control diseases of cucurbits, lettuce, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes on the diseases mentioned in the table.


100 ml, 250 ml , 500 ml , 1L

Crop Pest Usage rate

ml/20 liters

safety period
cucurbits Downy mildew 15-30 3
Root rot – seedling fall 30
Lettuce Downy mildew 33-50 3
Root rot – seedling fall 50
Pepper Root rot – seedling fall 30 5
potatoes early blight

late blight

17-30 14
Tomato early blight

late blight

17-37 5
Root rot – seedling fall 37
cucurbits lettuce peppers in greenhouses Before sowing or planting seedlings Mix 10 ml of the pesticide / 10 liters of water, and apply it at a rate of 100-200 ml of the solution / seedling.
After transplanting Mix 10 ml of the pesticide / 10 liters of water, and apply it for the first two weeks after seeding at a rate of 100 ml / m3, and after two weeks it is applied at a rate of 100-200 ml / m3
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