


Hybrid variety suitable for greenhouses and open field. The fruit is white, glossy, and cylindrical. Fruit cup is free of thorns. Can be stored for a long time. Fruits variety is highly yield with homogeneity in the fruits shape.



Hybrid variety suitable for greenhouses and open field. The fruit is dark black, glossy, cylindrical. Fruit cup is free of thorns. Can be stored for a long time. Fruits variety is highly yield with homogeneity in the fruits shape.

FS803 F1

FS803 F1

Plant: An early hybrid variety with goodvegetative growthwhich provides good coverage for the fruits.Heavy yield.

Fruit: fruit weight 150gm,length is 15 cm & diameter is 18 cm. The fruit isoval in shape, glossy black in color,pulp is white in color without seeds.The calyx is green,long, no thorns & covering a large part of the fruit.



Plant: An hybrid variety with goodvegetative growthwhich provides good coverage for the fruits.Heavy yield.

Fruit: fruit weight 150gm,length is 15 cm & diameter is 18 cm. The fruit isoval in shape, glossy black in color,pulp is white in color without seeds.The calyx is green,long, no thorns & covering a large part of the fruit

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