


Is the natural fertility extracted from the Seaweed (Ascophyllumnodosum), which contains more than 60 macro and micro elements in addition to other compounds. Mesurol help to improve root system and increases fruit size, gives it better appearance, and maintains its natural flavor and aroma.

Mesurol grades w/w:

Organic Matter O.M: 40%

ALgenic Acid: 10%

Potassium K2o:10%


Application Rate
Crop Application rates Timing Expected results
Vegetables 100-150 ml/200 lit water 1.       After two weeks from seedling transferred

2.       After two weeks from the first one

3.       At bud and flower initiation

More growth strong branches , homogenous fruit shape , more productivityand better tolerance for stress.
Field crops 75-150 ml/200 lit water 1. Stage 2-5 leaf
2. After two weeks from first one
Increase in tillering , stronger stem , less loading protects spikes from early dehydration , more grain weight .
Fruit trees 100-150 ml/200 lit water 1.Prior to flowering
2.After fruit set
More integrated growth , homogeneous fruit set , better fruit size and color


Herbal plus

Concentrated marine emulsion.

Seaweed fertilizer which extract by enzymatic hydrolysis at low temperature

Herbal plus grades w/v:

Organic Matter O.M : 25 %

Amino acids: 2%

Potassium K2O: 2.5 %

Seaweed extract: 20%

Fulvic acid: 10%

Application Rate
Crop Timing
Vegetables in greenhouses Through fertigation :10-12 lit / hectare , once every two weeks
By foliar spray : 1.5 lit / 1000 lit water , once every 3 weeks
Vegetables in open field Through fertigation : 5-7 lit / hectare , once every two weeks
By foliar spray : 1.5 lit / 1000 lit water
Citrus and olives Through fertigation : At spring 20-25 lit / hectare
By foliar spray : 2lit / 1000 lit water , twice among the season
Flowers and ornamentals Through fertigation 5-7 lit / hectare , once every two weeks
By foliar spray : 1.5 lit / 1000 lit water


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